Geelong Cats 2020 Men's Indigenous Guernsey Designed By Quinton Narkle #19
Design elements in Quintons Words:
“This year’s Sir Doug Nicholls round Guernsey is about the different language groups all around Australia that have come together at the Geelong football club which is in Wathaurong country.
Firstly the Guernsey includes the Bunjil which is the eagle. The Bunjil is the creator to the Wathaurong community. It then involves the Giant Trevally which shows our connection with the Arnhem Land region. And there is a snake like pattern throughout the whole jumper which symbolises the Rainbow serpent which is also a creator throughout my own Nyoongar Region.
We have also put down on the jumper the names of all the different language groups that our seven aboriginal boys come from.
Lastly we have put the number 5 on the back of the Guernsey in a glow in the dark material in respect of Graham ‘Polly’ Farmer and what he has done for not only the Geelong football club but also Indigenous players.”